So, I have decided to come back to the blogging world. We have had a lot going on the past month and have been staying very busy--what am I saying, life with a 3 year old, almost 2 year old and new baby never slows down!!!

Well, the beginning of the month, I started back exercising and to motivate me, my friend Shari challenged me to run 70 miles in the month of June. It is part of a challenge on It is kind of fun, because there are a couple of us that did the challenge, so everytime you logged on, you would see how many miles your friends ran and it always motivated me to run more. Well, I am proud to say that I completed the challenge and ran over 70 miles in the month of June. The most memorable run of the month I did with my two friends, Shari and Jessica. We ran off base out in town and had planned on running only about 5 miles, but got lost and ended up running 8.5 miles. Let me just say that Japan is NOT flat and all the streets look the same!! So, July we are running 80 miles. Let me know if anyone is up for the challenge!! My friends and I have a 10 mile run planned for tomorrow--hopefully I'll make it!!
The other morning I was hurrying to get the kids all ready to go to playgroup. I had everyone

ready, I just had to shower quickly. I jumped in the shower and when I came out, Kailey had been very busy!!! Apparently I had not put the desitin (diaper cream) tube up high enough and she had decided to play with it. She had desitin everywhere!! What you don't see in the picture is little white footprints going down the hallway, little white fingerprints all over, desitin on my bedspread, etc. It took me forever to clean up because it is so oily. Another morning, I was reading e-mail on the computer and she had been awfully quiet. I went to check on her and she had found a marker and had drawn ALL over herself. She is one busy and messy little girl. I don't remember Ethan ever doing anything like this.
One quick, funny Ethan story--everytime he goes potty he asks me, "Can I flush, is it going to make Cade sad?" For some reason he thinks flushing the toilet makes Cade sad--I don't know where he got that from, but it is funny! Speaking of Cade, I need to start taking more pictures of him. He is such a great little baby--so mellow, happy, and good-natured. I got lucky!!

This past weekend, I went with my two friends, Shari and Jessica up to Tokyo for a girls' weekend. We had so much fun. The husbands were all nice to stay home with our kids, except I took Cade. We left Friday afternoon and came home late Saturday night. We had so much fun shopping all over Tokyo. The picture to the left is a part of Tokyo called Shibuya. It is like the 'Times Square' of Tokyo. You can't really tell, but there is this huge intersection there they call a scramble crossing. The traffic stops on all sides to allow thousands of people to cross at one time--it is pretty cool. Anyways, we had a ton of fun and thank you to my wonderful husband for letting me get away.
Lastly, I have decided to start sewing again.

While I was up in Tokyo, we went to the fabric district and I got some really cute fabric to make Kailey some dresses. Hopefully, I'll get my act together and start sewing this month. I did make this bag this week. I have a friend that always has the cutest bags at church and she makes them all. So she was nice enough to show me how to make them and they are SOOOO easy. I am excited to make some more.
I think that about catches me up on June. Have a great 4th of July!!!