Mommy and Daddy are away vacationing, so I get to write the blog. This is my first - of many, I hope - vacations with Grandma Nelson. She's awesome, and she thinks I'm even awesomer! We make a great team.

The vacation started out as a real snoozer. I slept most of the way to and from the Boston airport (to drop Mommy and Daddy off), but once Grandma and I got home, the fun began.

We go to the park every day. Sometimes we got twice - once in the morning and once in the afternoon when we walk with my friend Matthew and his mom Saskia. My favorite part of the walk is when I get to swing at the park.

Grandma says that we can't play all the time. She's afraid she's going to spoil me. So, she had me help her plant flowers. She says it's supposed to be work. Don't tell her, but I think it was fun. I especially liked it when I got to eat the wood chips. I thought the yellow flowers looked like they'd have a better flavor, but Grandma kept her eyes on me and wouldn't let me taste them. I had to be really sneaky to try out the wood chips.

Matthew and his mom invited us to go out to dinner with them at the Groton Townhouse. I loved the water fountain in the lobby. I was such a good baby. Mommy and Daddy have taught me some really good manners. I was served Gerber Chicken and Apples, but it looked like and tasted just like the Gerber food I get at home. Grandma says I must be my Mommy's, because I love anything that has applesauce in it.

I have a new hobby. I've decided I'm going to take up family history. Who says it's boring? Grandma taught me that cemeteries are special places, and I can see why. Where else can you go in your stroller and feel like you're riding a horse when you're pushed across the grass? If I move really fast, I can also grab the long grass while Grandma is pushing me. I'm getting pretty good at it. Grandma took this picture at the "Ancient Burial Ground" in New London. C.M. stands for Clement Miner. He was my 427th great grandfather (or something like that). He was born in 1638 in Plymouth and died in New London in 1700. I'm not sure, but I think he and Grandma Nelson are about the same age.

Mommy and Daddy have been writing me letters while they've been away. Grandma reads them to me and then gives me a copy. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with them, so I've been eating them. I think they taste better than the wood chips, but not as good as the Gerber food.
I hope my Mommy and Daddy are have as much fun as I'm having. I hope they have a good hike and that when they get there, mommy can have some applesauce with her rice and beans.
I love you, Mommy and Daddy! See you next week!