Monday, September 24, 2012

Prince Henry the Navigator's Discovery School

One of the other day trips we did from Lagos was to go to Cape St. Vincent and Sagres, Portugal.  In Cape St. Vincent we went to see this old fortress where Prince Henry the Navigator had a Discovery school.  Some of the most famous navigators went to study, like Columbus, Magellan, da Gama, etc.  The fortress has been restored and the only thing remaining from the school was a huge compass rose.  

Sagres, Portugal is about 10 minutes away was the last place Columbus saw as he left on his famous voyage and at one time was considered the "end of the world."  Needless to say, the endless miles of coastline are GORGEOUS.  It is so interesting to see so much history, things I remember learning about in school, but never thought I would see.  I hope my kids remember all these amazing places we are going.!
The fortress

The gorgeous coastline

They had all these random naked lady statues throughout this old fortress, so we had fun posing like them!

Kailey's pose!

Henry the Navigator's compass rose

Gorgeous water--I think they had the best beaches I have ever seen here with the clearest water.

Kailey and I posing

The kids on the cannon

On top of one of the walls

Where is Ethan, Kailey and Cade??

Everybody posing, except Cade, he is doing a ninja jump!!

Old chapel

Most picturesque coastline--so gorgeous!!

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