Monday, November 15, 2010

Confessions of a neglectful mom!

So, I have to admit, I lost my child the other day--actually I lost Ethan one day and Kailey the next! A couple of weeks ago, we had some friends over in the morning to play with salt dough (so much fun, if you haven't done it with your kids--much better than playdoh). Eric came home in the middle of our playdate to change clothes. Anyways, our friends left and Eric left about the same time. Brooke and I were downstairs with Kailey and Cade--busy with them. I just assumed Ethan was upstairs playing in his room or that he had gone into our room and turned on the t.v. He was quiet, so I was happy. About an hour later, I yell up to Ethan to come downstairs for lunch and he doesn't answer. I walk up the stairs to get him and he is not in his room, not in my room, I yell to Brooke to see if she has seen him and we frantically search the house--NO Ethan. I put on my shoes and run outside, luckily I think to look in the car and this is what I found:
Ethan had put on his shoes, gone out to the car, gotten into his carseat, buckled himself in and fallen asleep. I could not believe it. I should preface this by saying, that Ethan has never run away, unlike his sister, he never goes outside alone--he is a good kid. I asked him after he woke up (yes, I brought him inside and he finished napping in his bed) why he went out to the car and he said that he was tired--crazy--you never know what your children are going to do!!

P.S.--I tell this story, so all of you mothers feel better about yourselves. Like I said, Kailey ran away the next day and took her friend with her!


Jess said...

Wow that is pretty impressive! He must have been really sleepy...Katie would never willingly go for a nap

Jessica 7 said...

What a blessing he was in the car! So glad things turned out well in the end. :)

Julie said...

I would totally freak out! What a good kid to go to his carseat and sleep. Don't worry, I don't think you're a bad parent. We all have our moments!

alyssa nelson said...

oh, that is so precious! a little terrifying at first but somehow still so cute.

Sabrina said...

How cute and scary at the same time! Yes we've all had those moments. Glad you found him safe!