Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Laundry Helpers!

The other day I was doing laundry and put Kailey in the laundry basket and was pushing it down the hallway. Ethan saw me doing it and wanted a turn and started pushing Kailey all over the bedroom. She thought it was hilarious. After a few minutes of pushing her, he got tired and decided he wanted to be in the basket with Kailey, soI put him in there. They just had so much fun. Kailey is getting to that stage where she can interact and play with you more now. It is so funny for me to watch she and Ethan together, because they just love each other so much and love to play together (now they don't play together all the time, but when they do, they have so much fun!) Kailey also loves to watch Ethan and he is always making her laugh. I am just so glad that I have two kids that love each other so much and have so much fun together and I hope that they always stay good friends. Also, I know that I am biased, but lately I am just amazed at how cute my kids are, not just in looks, but also in personality. I am just the luckiest mom ever!!

1 comment:

brooketolman said...

Kailey's cheeks get chubbier by the day!