Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friendship Day!

A couple of weeks ago they had friendship day here on base. They open the base to the public and invited the Japanese people to come onto base and experience what the Navy was about and experience a little American culture. There were booths set up all over base by the different commands. My favorite was the NCIS booth--I just love that show. At each base they were selling things or food. Most of the food being sold was like typical American food--hot dogs, hamburgers, nachos, ribs, etc. They also had an area where they had tons of bounce houses you could buy tickets to go into, they had concerts going on, etc. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to get to know our Japanese neighbors better!
Ethan had so much fun in the bounce house that he did not want to get out!

Kailey in the bounce house

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we LOVE NCIS at our house too. fun pictures. tell your folks I said hello.